Friday, May 15, 2009

Close to the end ...

.... of school and ballet. Yesterday was McKenzie's end of the year party for school. They went bowling and to Chuck E. Cheese. She had a great time with her friends but it was a long day for all of us. Today we have dress rehersal @ 3:30 for our ballet and tap recital. I just finished rolling her hair and now we are haning out. We played hookie from school today because her teacher wasn't going to be there today and she said several other kids were going to be out so no point in going when I was just going to be getting her out early so she could be ready this afternoon. It is so hard to believe that she is going to graduate from K-5 on Tuesday and then I will have a 1st grader. I will post some pictures soon

1 comment:

jessicaj said...

soak it up! Take lots of pictures. they grow so fast. Something happens to them the summer between 5k and 1st grade. My Gracie did a lot of growing up over that summer.