Saturday, April 25, 2009

Finally ...

I did scrapbooking last night. I went to a crop with only one thing to work on. I worked on mini album kit that I had. It's not finished but it is started and maybe this weekend I can work on it a little more and get some photos posted.

Friday, April 17, 2009


We have a Hannah Montana party this weekend so I deceided to make a Hannah Montana Bucket. I think all togerther it cost about 5 or 6 dollars to make the bucket. The only thing I have left is to put ribbon on the bottom and fill it with goodies. I will post the finished project later.


I said I would come back with some pictrures so here they are. I did realize I didn't get any of conner on his first easter.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Blah's ...

Ever have one of those days or weeks where you just feel like life sucks ? Well that is how I feel. I know that I am lucky I have a house a car that runs a job, a sweet and loving child and the BEST husband in the world and that I shouldn't feel this way but I do. Truth be told all I really want is to be a good wife and a great mother to my great daughter. I wish I could get to a point in my life where I feel like I am doing that. My dream in life at this point is just to be a stay at home mom so I can be involved more in McKenzie's school life. So I guess that is enough of pitty stuff but I just had to get if off my chest. I hope everyone had a good easter and I will post some easter pictures soon.

Friday, April 3, 2009


It has been crazy since I last posted. We had a quick trip to the beach , a new nephew, a wedding and another baby. Tomorrow we are going to a big air show here in town. It will be another busy weekend and it will be my birthday before you know it. I will try and post again soon. I hope everyone has a good weekend! :)