Sunday, September 27, 2009


The pig has bitten twice in my house and McKenzie and Jonathan have the swine flu. McKenzie was diagnosed on Friday and Jonathan today. Me I have an upper respiratory infection. It's crazy in our house. Atleast I was given tamiflu so maybe I will not get it. I will keep you posted. I will be off work tomorrow and then back on Tuesday

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So I just realized that since I posted McKenzie has been to 2 concert. We saw the Jonas Brothers on August 16th and Taylor Swift on September 11th. The Taylor picture are not as good as the Jonas Brothers. Their stage was in the round and Taylor's wasn't so we were further away. Enjoy

P.S. - McKenzie's BFF Claire got to go to Taylor Swift with us


Let me just say that Wow I did not know that it had been 2months to the day today since I last posted. I know have a busy 1st grader and have become the brownie troop leader. Our 1st meeting was last Thursday. It went great and can't wait until the next meeting. I thought I would post a few pictures from that meeting.