Sunday, November 23, 2008
Christmas Shopping
So have you started your shopping yet? I am just about done with McKenzie's and have gotten a couple of other things. I am thinking that as soon as soon as I get the boxes back in the attic I am going to start cleaning out things in my house. I was watching Oprah a week or so ago and she had Peter Walsh and they are doing this organization thing so I think I am going to hop on board. I will touch base again soon with some pictures.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
It's Up!!!
The christmas tree is up. It's not fully decorated yet but it's up with the lights are on and half the ornaments are on. McKenzie spent the night with her MeMe last night so I set the alarm to get up this morning so I get started all over again. I will post a picture soon.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
So I titled this one update since I have been such a bad blogger. Who knew life with a 5 year old was this busy. On this post I have some pictures of Evan's birthday party at the end of September and some disney pictures. I am going to try and set a goal of posting at least once a week. I have some pictures from McKenzie's teddy bear picnic, Halloween at Tannehill and McKenzie cheering so that is my goal hopefully for this week. That is just a few of the things that October has had in store for us. One of the biggest things is that on Friday I found out I am getting another newphew- who will be Connor Gene Donahue. So I will post again soon.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
It's so sad
As I type I am in the car on the interstate on my way home from Disney World. It was so HOT !! I don't think I will go back in October again. I will stick to the winter time from now on. Jonathan and I had a good time. We stayed somewhere we had never stayed before so that was nice. My poor husband I know that is not really his favorite place to vacation but he loves me so he went. We ate at Cinderella's Royal table in the castle last night for our anniversary even though it wasn't our anniversary. It was fun and the food was good then we went to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. It was fun and the fireworks were great. The only bad thing was McKenzie had danceline clinic and danced and halftime at the football game last night and we missed it. My brother filmed it for me so we can see it later today. I have been such a bad blogger and I have got to be better at it. I will try and post a couple of pictures this week. Believe it or not I didn't take that many. See ya real soon.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I am so excited!!! Let me set the scene for you. In about the last 6 to 8 months I have become a huge fan of Michael Bubble. The last time I checked he was touring in Australia and didn't have any more tour dates for the US. Imagine my surprise this morning when I'm on the computer and hear a commerical and they say he's coming to Birmingham and tickets go on sale TODAY !!! OMG!! I'm so excited and can't take it. I just talked to Aunt Martha and she is going to go with. The thing that is even better is that it is the Wednesday after we get home from Disney World. October is looking like it's going to be a great month.!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My Little Ballernia
McKenzie started Ballet yesterday. She had so much fun and would not stop talking(imagine that) after class about what all they did. I took this picture after she got dressed yesterday. Don't you hate when you can't get a real smile out of kids. That has been the highlight of our week this week. I get to go friday and be a lunch room mom and help kids get all of their stuff opened. That's all for now. I hope you have a good rest of the week. Did that make sense??
Monday, September 1, 2008
As of tomorrow ....
I will have a dancer. McKenzie will start at the Academy of Ballet and Jazz. She is going to be taking the combination class which is ballet, tap, jazz and tumbling. She is starting to get excited and she finally has quit whining about having to wear her hair in a big pony tail. I'm going to try and remember to take my camera with me in the morning so I can take some pictures and post them. I am also excited because I'm almost to the one month mark for my adult only trip to the "Happiest Place on Earth" !!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
My Little Cheerleader
This is a picture of McKenzie this morning before school. On football fridays and the little girls at school wear their cheerleader suits and alot of the little boys wear football jersey's. On days that they have home games the cheerleaders paint faces in the lunch room. She was excited because they are having a "pepper rally" as she says this afternoon for the whole school.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Feeling Icky
I hope your Saturday has been better than mine. I have only left the couch to go to the bathroom or to the kitchen. I feel like crap. My throat is starting to get a little soar and McKenzie is getting stuffy. I've been watching mostly HGTV or remodeling shows today so I guess what I'm about to tell you shouldn't be surprising. McKenzie has made a drawings of hardwood floors, rugs,t.v and a table for me to design her rrom. Maybe I have a budding designer on my hands
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Crazy Week
It has been hard to get back in the school routine. Mckenzie is doing great and we are working on sight words and learning to read. Thursday we got up and she had a fever of 100.1 so she didn't go to school. It didn't take us long to miss our first day of school. She went back to school on friday and I had to take Tinkerbell to the vet for her one year shots. Then yesterday afternoon about 4:20 I took her outside to the bathroom and I noticed her face was 3 times the size it should be. I called the vet and had to take her back and she had a reaction to the shots. I didn't have time to take her picture. I felt so bad and like such a bad mom. Anyway crazy start to our weekend. I hope you have a better weekend.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
It's Offical .....
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Where did the summer go ....
I can't believe summer is almost over. We have orientation tomorrow at 5:00. I finished McKenzie school supply shopping today. I can't believe that she is 5 years old and will be in k-5. Now my count down is on until Jonathan and I go to Disney World for our anniversary. We are almost at the 2 month point. I told him the one thing I wanted was to eat at Cinderella's Royal Tabel. At disney you can book dining reservations 180 days out. Well we didn't have the exact days so we missed the 180 days and with Cinderella's Castle it books up 180 days out. I have been calling every couple of days for the last month whenever we booked and finally I think my fairy godmother was watching out for me. Yesterday when I called they had one of the days availabe at 6:55 p.m.. Now I can't wait til our trip. Have a good saturday!!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
YEA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got a call from my brother and he and his wife are going to have a baby!! I am so excited for them and I just can't wait!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Fat and out of shape!!!!
So I knew I was fat and out of shape but I really know it now. This wii fit is no joke. I did 20 reps of jakeknifes a.k.a crunches. Today I did 30 and my stomach can feel it now. Since friday I am down .07 pounds not much but as long as it's going down I'm fine with that. So, if you were ever thinking about a wii fit I totaly give it 2 thumbs up. That's all for now. Enjoy your Sunday.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
So much FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's been a couple of weeks since my last post. This week we got a Wii and a Wii Fit. If you don't have one it's so much fun. Bowling is the funest thing ever. Jonathan and I are both working out. It has arobics (?) yoga balance training and other things. I am loving it. We are getting ready for school in our house. The countdown in now under 3 weeks. We have our school supplies and are slowly getting ready for kindergareden. I was in Hobby Lobby today and can you believe that they have the christmas decorations out already. I was in heaven just standing there and looking at all the things I want to get in the future. Anyway this is such a random post so I think I will go for now. Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Where is the summer going ????
Boy the summer is flying away. It is now officially under 1 month till school starts. It seemed like summer would never get here and now it's half way over. Anyway, I am off starting today until Monday, both of our doctors are on vacation. I feel so bad because I haven't been blogging but summer just makes me want to be lazy and boy can you tell by looking at my house. I repainted McKenzie's room last weekend for the 4 th time. How sad is that! The child is only 5 years old and I have painted it 4 times. I just painted below the chair rail and the whole room is white. I know how boring is that? I change my mind too much in her room. I did buy some of those wall decals and they were flowers and butterflies so there is some color in there. Now she feels like a real "big" girl because she now has a satellite receiver and she can watch her cartoons and shows in her and play at the same time. It's so nice to keep her and her toys out of my room. Yes, the parental controls are on she only gets the Disney, Nickelodeon and boomerang channels but she knows no different. I think that is about all that is going on in my life. It looks like I'm going to be doing some major cleaning in my house while I'm off. My craft room/ computer room looks like a tornado hit. I haven't worked on anything in there since the end of May. I have 4 sb kits make that 5 kits in boxes to do. Tomorrow McKenzie will be with one of her grandparents so that may be what I tackle while she is gone. I'll have to post a picture of the craft room later. By the way you can check one of the old posts and see where just a couple of months ago it was a disaster too. I think I'll quit posting now and get back to a little more house work.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Lazy Sunday
What a lazy day. As we speak Jonathan is on the couch snoring with the dog snuggled up to him, McKenzie is playing in her room and I'm watching HGTV. Have you ever had those days where no matter how much you sleep you still feel tired?? That is how I have felt all weekend and both days I have slept til 10:00 or 10:30. I did do something today though. I cooked hamburger steak , gravy, rice and cornbread and now I still have to clean the kitchen. This is kind of turning into one of those rambling posts but I'm kind of playing catch up. Friday McKenzie and I got a haircut and she got about 3 or 4 inches off of her hair and it makes her look so much older. It is now becoming more clear that she is growing up because she is so getting into the new Disney channel movie Camp Rock with the Jonas brothers. I can at least say that the movie isn't that bad. It is definitely better than High School Musical. I think that is about everything for now. I hope you have had a great weekend.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
McKenzie's Birthday
Yes I am still alive and what a busy weekend I had. McKenzie's birthday party was saturday, pictures sunday and yesterday was her actual birthday. We had a nice family day at the McWane science center and saw an IMAX movie. It is so hard to believe that she is 5 years old. I guess it's safe to say I no longer have a baby but that I have a big girl. Anyway here are a few pictures from her party.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I'm Still Alive
Just wanted to let you know that I am still alive. It's amazing how sometimes you just get so caught up in life. We are getting ready for McKenzie's 5th birthday party. It's so sad that she is no longer my baby or my "little" girl anymore. I'll try and post on sunday with some pictures of her party and Monday is actually her birthday so I may or may not post then. Have a good weekend and I will post again sometime this weekend.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Yes I am still alive. I guess life just catches up with you sometimes. Not much going on just a quiet weekend at home. I'll check in with you later and I hope you enjoy your weekend.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Memorial Day!!
Hope everyone has had a good holiday weekend that is now over. We've had a great weekend and spent all of it in the pool. I just got to thinking and realized that I didn't take one picture all weekend. Anyway have a great work week. - Bye-
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Happy holiday weekend
It has been a lazy weekend. We spent yesterday and today in the pool. Tomorrow we will spend sometime with family and then the work week begins. Urgg.... Just thought I would post to see what you are up to this loooong weekend. Will talk to you again soon. - Bye -
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Yeah it's Thursday and I don't have to work tomorrow!!!!!! Today was McKenzie's last offical day of school. They actually get out at 11:30 tomorrow but I don't have to work so she isn't going. We had her class party at the fun factory yesterday and all the kids had a great time. I made her teacher a little album of the some of the field trips and class party's they had and she really seemed to like it. It's going to be so nice to have a loooong weekend but it's going to suck going back to work on Tuesday. Anyway these pictures are of the cover of the album McKenzie on the big bouncy slide and her with her teacher Mrs. Baird. Have a good friday and I will try and post some time this weekend.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Another Week
Weekends just aren't long enough. Yesterday I never even got out of my pj's and boy was that nice. I'm looking forward to the pool being really nice by the end of the week and plan to spend my weekend in it. It's going to be a crazy week I worked today and will work tomorrow then McKenzie's end of the year class party is on Wednesday and the I will work thursday and be off on friday. I am so glad it will be a short work week this week. I've got to get my house cleaned b/c my brother, sil, nephew, dad and step-mom are coming over saturday. It is so hard to believe that school will be over this week and that McKenzie will start K-5 in August which I'm sure will be here before I know it. Anyway the way I feel right now I could go on and on and on but I will spare you. Enjoy the rest of your monday. -Bye-
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Lazy Saturday
For it to be such a pretty day today it sure was a lazy one. I didn't get out of my p.j.'s til 2:00. MeMe came and got McKenzie at 8:00 this morning and I tried to go back to sleep but never did. I got caught up on some t.v. that was on the tivo then as I was flipping the channels Pretty Woman came on and that was a must watch and before I knew it the clock said 2:oo. Hope you've had a good weekend so far. I am already not wanting to go to work on Monday. Uggg.....
Friday, May 16, 2008
Happy Friday !!!!!
We are done with field day and at home. The kids had fun but boy was it nasty. They had it set up on the football field and it was all muddy from all the rain yesterday and cold.I am hopefully home for the weekend. If you haven't figured it out that is McKenzie's class picture and that is her boyfriend Nathan standing behind her but there are 3 kids missing from the picture though.Hope you have a good friday and a good weekend.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
30 Sucks !!!!
I was excited about turning 30. It seems like since the day of my birthday life has been going down hill. The only good thing since my birthday is I cooked a real dinner tonight. For those who know me know I'm not really a cook but tonight I cooked hamburger steak and gravy, black eyed peas, rice and cornbread(with the help of my neighbor). Jonathan was so happy! I'm going to get off my soap box now and say Happy Thursday and I hope you have a good friday. I have field day at school with McKenzie tomorrow so that will be alot of fun.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Carrie, Dierks and Vince OH MY !!!!!
Here are a few pictures from the Grand Ole Opry on saturday night. Alot of my pictures came out blurry. I guess maybe I had it zoomed in too much. We went to the 9:30 show but at the 7:00 show Carrie was inducted into the opry and Garth Brooks is the one who presented her with the trophy. I 'll try and post again later or tomorrow. I hope your Monday was a good one.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Happy Friday!
Thank goodness for the sunshine. I'm so glad it's not raining today. It always makes me want to get more done when it's not rainy. Got to get my mil's mothers day gift today since we are going out of town tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that Jonathan's new medicine for his anxiety is starting to work. This was his idea to go becuase he really like Carrie Underwood and Dierks Bentley. Anyway I hope you have a good friday.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Happy Rainy Day!!
Happy rainy afternoon. I love to be at home and hear the rain. I need to get some stuff in this tornado of a house. Jonathan and I are going to Nashville on Saturday to Carrie Underwood and Dierks Bently. I can't wait. Anybody got anything fun going on this mother's day weekend? It's so nice to know that I don't have to work tomorrow. Have a good thursday.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Something to think about
So I was watching Oprah today and they were talking about past stories and current stories. I don't know if anyone has seen all the stuff going on about a story about the "Last Lecture" from Randy Pausch who is dieing from pancreatic cancer and this is statement he made that really makes you think " Hope is not about a good outcome, Hope is about making sense of what's going on in life". Just a little something to think about.
Bad Blogger
I'm turning into a bad blogger. I'm going to try and post more often. Life all of a sudden has gotten so crazy. Maybe because it's the end of the school year and there is so much going on. Then there is the warm weather and we've been spending alot of time outside anyway I'm going to try and atleast post something everyday. When I get home I'll tell you about what I've become hooked on.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Happy NSD
Happy National Scrabook Day! I've had an early day today. I got up at 6:30 this morning and drove to birmingham for one of the stores that opened at 8:00. I used some of my b'day money to buy some goodies. I went to 2 sb stores, Micheaels and the galleria. I of course had to go by the disney store and got McKenzie a few things. On to other things, THANK YOU DANITA !!!! I got my manicure and pedicure yesterday. It was soo nice and it was so what I needed. I hope everyone has had a good saturday.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Tinkerbell
Monday, April 28, 2008
Happ Birthday to Me !!!!
So as of 2:45 this morning I turned 30!!! Isn't funny how when you were younger you thought 30 was so old. I sure am glad it doesn't feel that way. This is a picture of my with the flowers my aunt sent me today. Tulips they are my favorite. She always sends me flowers when I've been having a rough time which I have been since last week. I think she does it becuase it's what my mom would have done and she promised my mom she would take care of me and my brother. Anyway, Happy Monday to everyone else hope your day is good.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I have LOST MY MIND !!
So yes it is official that I have lost my mind. Today my MIL and her husband took me to lunch for my birthday and she gave me 100.00 just like always. After we were home for a while I decided I would go buy flowers to plant with some of my money. I took 40.00 and put it in my pocket(I thought) and went and put the other 60.00 up. On my way down the road I reach in my pocket and it's not there and it's not any where to be found. I have torn my house up looking for the money. It's not with the other money and I completly cleaned out my car and it's not there. I'm so upset that's 40.00 down the drain. Hope your day was better. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
A Girl's Day
So McKenzie said today was a girl day because daddy wasn't home. Jonathan had to work almost all day today. It wasn't much of a girls day until later. First part of the day I did a little cleaning in the house and we just hung out. After we went to Wal-Mart we decided to have a concrete picnic. She got some maccaroni and cheese and we sat in the drive way as she ate then we colored on the drive way with chalk. I brought my camra out and took some pictures of her coloring and the just wanted some pictures of her. This is what happens when I take pictures. You can tell she had her picture taken a time or two. Hope everyone has had a great saturday and you enjoy the rest of your weekend. I took Monday off becuase I'm turning the BIG 30!!!! Yes that's right Monday is my birthday and I decided since I couldn't go to my favorite place (???) then I DID NOT want to go to work so I will try and post since I will have all day to do whatever I want or don't want to do. Bye for now.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I'm Here
I haven't been posting much lately because I've been outside enjoying the sun and warm weather. Yesterday McKenzie and the girls across the street got in our pool and today she got in there small above ground pool. It's just nice to be outside and let her get some of that wild energy out outside instead of indoors. Today was a crazy busy day at work so we will see what tomorrow brings. Have a good night and a great wednesday.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Busy Weekend
I just have a quick second to post then I have to go a fix dinner(hot dogs). We have been out by the pool this afternoon the water is very cold but McKenzie and the girls across the street got in anyway. Just wanted to post a quick picture from the weekend. My father in law got remarried this weekend and this is McKenzie and her cousin Drew they were the flower girl and ring bearer. Hope you had a good weekend and I will post later or tomorrow.
Friday, April 18, 2008
It's a ME day
So I think today is going to be a good day. It's going to be a me day until 3:00 when I have to pick McKenzie up. I'm going to do whatever I want or don't want to do. Right now I thinking about going on a walk and maybe take the dog too. I need to go to Wal-Mart to take something back and I love to go in the morning when it is dead so we will see what moves me. So what are your plans for today? Whatever they are I hope you have a good day doing it.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
It's a better day
So today was a better day work was still the same but then I checked e-mail. I got my monthly newsletter from PDW and this is what I came across as I was reading
Ok so you all know about PDW's flickr group right???? Well if you don't or if your not a member then....your missing OUT...i LOVE looking at there creations... and if your picked to be showcased in a newsletter...then along with your following month kit you will also get a really cool PDW embellishment box..filled with some really awesome DOO-DAHS...not to mention the box is cute just because it is in PDW colors wrapped in brown polka dotted ribbon...gotta love that....ok so onto MANDY...or also know as disneynut98... this picture cracks me up..this is mandy and i and CKU is always a blast those meet SO many wonderful people (like mandy) and walk away with a TON of thank you mandy for including me and CKU in your HAPPINESS IS album kit... which looks great by the way...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Just an update
So work didn't get any better I think it worsen a litte. Then I've only been home 25 minutes and it has been horriable. Grace was yelling becuase she didn't want to go to time out so I then picked her up kicking and screaming and took her to her room and sat her on her bed. She has finally stoped crying and I went to talk to her to make sure she knew why she was in trouble and in her room. So needless to say not a good. The only positive to today is to know tomorrow is thursday and I don't have to work on friday. I hope you have had a better day than me. Talk to you tomorrow(maybe).
It has continued
Just wanted to pop in and say the blahs are still here today. Maybe because my day ended on a sour note yesterday and I'm here this morning and don't want to be. My goal for my work day is sad but I'm going to stay in my office as much as possiable do my work and hope 3:00 gets here as fast as it can. I'll update you when I get home this afternoon. Have a good wednesday.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Blah Tuesday
I kind of have the blahs today. Work kind of ended on a sour note and that always carries over to home. I'm not in a bad mood I'm just not cheerful and up beat. I have flower mini album that is calling my name to finish jsut not in the mood. It has started really cute I just need to add embelishments and finishing touches but that is when you need to be in the mood. So anyway today is tax day but I have already done my taxes and gotten them back so whoo hoo! I did however get paid today and now I'm broke again so I may aswell have had to pay taxes. So those are the blah's for today.I hope tomorrow will be better.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
It's DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!
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