Sunday, January 11, 2009
Not Ready ...
..for Monday to be here yet. It doesn't even seem like I had a weekend. I was off Friday but I had a eye appointment and then a bunch of errands. On Friday night we went bowling with the neighbors and the girls had a great time. Then on Saturday we had 2 birthday parties. One of which was Jonathan's step-dads surprise party. We had a lot of fun and he was really surprised and had no idea. Today we went to Target with my dad and were there for about an hour and half. I think my dad has an addiction to Target. Every time were out and he calls he always wants us(me and mckenzie)to meet him there. Anyway maybe next weekend will be a bit more restful. Although probably not. I have another eye appointment on Friday morning and then off to school to help out for the day. One other thing before I go. Does anyone else watch the first 48 on A & E. I think I have become addicted to watching it. We set up a season pass on the Tivo and it has been recording like crazy and I just can't stop watching. Hope everyone has a good week.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Have You Ever ...
..just had one of those days where you wondered why you got up and got out of the house. I feel like that today and my work day is just now starting. McKenzie has been awful the last 2 days and we will not even talk about homework last night.I am so tired today and just glad I don't have to work tomorrow. I hope your day is better than mine.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I think it's working ...
.. the medicine that is. McKenzie still has no fever so it looks like she will finally get to go back to school and see all her friends again. Maybe tomorrow it won't raining and I take a picture of my new little car. Anyway that's my boaring life. I'm about ready to watch the new Biggest Loser gotta run.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Go Figure
McKenzie didn't go to school today because she had a fever yesterday. She went to the doctor and they gave her some medicine and she went all day with no fever then before she went to be we took her temp and it was 101. I'm going to give the medicine today and tomorrow and see if her fever goes away and if not I guess we will be calling the doctor again. McKenzie isn't the only one sick. My MIL has a mild case of phenomena so keep her in your prayers that she gets well soon.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Sick Child
McKenzie has had a fever off and on all weekend. She seems to be getting worse. I guess I know what we will be doing tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow will include my new car too. I guess we will see.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Me Again!!
I told you I would have another post today. We had a family bowling trip today and we had a great time I won both games but only have pictures from the score of the second game. I also have a picture of my scrapbook/sewing/craft/computer room and it looks like a tornado hit. I you look back at my April 11 and 12 post from last year you will see this happens many time thru the year. I think I am going to attempt to start on it this year.
Here are some picture from November and December since I didn't post. Enjoy!! There are alot of christmas pictures of McKenzie and her cousins and friends from school and my MIL and her brothers and father . There is a special picture of a baby in there. One of my best friends growing up Susan adopted a little girl Amelia Grace and she was born on December 22 and weighed 6lbs 4 oz(I think). She was the sweetest little thing. The pictures right above this post is McKenzie the day of her thanksgiving feast at school. The cute outfit came from Jonathan's Aunt that serveral cousins before her have worn. I will have another post soon.
Friday, January 2, 2009
YES, I am still alive
I have been such a bad blogger. I am going to try and be a little better. I hope everyone had a good holiday. Life has been so crazy. My van has been in the shop for 3 weeks and just got it back and today I cleaned it out so that I can hopefully get a new "used" car. Today McKenzie had a 100.8 fever and now she is napping. So i am going to try and clean out my house room by room. Anyway that is about all. I will post again soon.
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