Sunday, March 30, 2008
A Lazy Sunday
What a difference a day makes. Yesterday it was sunny and 80 and today it's cloudy and 66 . I titled it lazy sunday but it hasn't been too lazy yet but it's about to be. I got up at 9:30 then dd and I cleaned up her room because I really wanted it cleaned and we got rid of a little bit of stuff but not as much as I would have liked. Then I took some stuff to the hannah home drop off and then to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. Now is when the lazy part starts. This afternoon I'm going to hang out on the couch and watch some HGTV. DH said the pool guy is suppost to bring by liner samples for the pool so we can get it ordered and my pool will be pretty again. Have a great lazy afternoon.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Flowers or No Flowers
I'm working on this canvas for dd's room to use as a picture holder. I need you opinion on flowers or no little flowers. It needs something if not the flowers so please give me your thoughts or ideas on what else I could do.The flower on the right is already glued on so it's not coming off. I'm going to just leave it on the table and walk aways for a short bit. Thanks for the input.
One Week
So I have now been blogging for one week now. This is kind of addicting. So it's just a lazy day today. I spent all day cleaning yesterday so I'm taking it easy today. Trying to decide what kind of project I want to do today. Let me know what your day or weekend holds for you. If I get anything done I'll post it later. Have a good day !!!!!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
My Mojo is back a LITTLE
What a Headache
So someone asked me yesterday what was wrong with the pool so here it is. Last year we had some kind of scale build up and after 10 gallons of acid and lots of chemicals we never used it. This year we had to drain the pool and we are going to have to have a new liner put it. This looks good compared to what it did look like. I am hoping today that maybe a little of my mojo will come back after I clean my house some. The laundry is stacking up on top of the dryer. The dishes are under control so let me go tame the rest of it.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Need some HAPPY Mojo
What a day! I went to work at 6:30 this morning and it has been a long day. I need some kind of happy mojo sent my way. I been in some kind of rut since yesterday. It must be all the stress at work and the stress of the swimming pool. Maybe I'll take a picture of that tomorrow. They way it's looking I'm not going to be able to give away my goodie on friday either. On that note I think I will finish watching AI and go to bed. Good Night.
Monday, March 24, 2008
It was a BAD day after all
Just thought I would post this real quick before I go to bed. My dad ( the one in the picture with dd) called about an hour ago to tell me that when he got home today his house had been broken into. Not much was taken but he was still upset. He said the neighbor's house was also broken into but she couldn't tell that anything had been taken. So on that note I say goodnight.
I Don't Like Mondays
There is nothing worse than a Monday after a long holiday weekend. Work was so crazy for me today. Our dental practice is getting a new dentist as of April 1st. So I'm responsible for getting him set up with all of our insurance companies. The bad thing is he is a partner because he bought part of our practice and they don't have all his paper work done so things are at a stand still. So anyway enough about work. I hope everyone had a good Easter. Ours was very busy 3 family get togethers 3 egg hunts. I've posted a picture of dd with Paw Paw dyeing Easter eggs and then Sunday she decided to hunt eggs with a batman mask and the last picture is in the car on the way home. That is so how I felt on the way home. After this crazy weekend I told my dh not to plan anything for this weekend. I need to get my SB mojo back. I have a mini album called my happy place that is calling my name to finish. I'll bet no one could guess what the name of it was. Post your answers and let me know what you think it is. If you post your answer by friday and I'll do a little drawing for a little goody. Better run we are going to eat with my FIL soon.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter! McKenzie was so excited with everything the easter bunny brought her. As I type this she is using some pens and an activity book that she got in her basket. She's already been singing with her fake microphone that she got. I think that was the biggest hit. I will post some more pictures later. I'm off to cook and I hope everyone has a great easter sunday.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I'm Beat
I'm beat! What a long day it has been. 2 Family get togethers = 2 Egg hunts. McKenzie racked up at the 1st hunt. 62 eggs. And now the eggs are boiling to dye eggs with Paw Paw which is our yearly tradition. The bunny shirt didn't fare so well. The pictures say it all. Have a good night and a GREAT EASTER. I'll post tomorrow to see if the Easter Bunny visits. I he makes it to everyones house tonight.
Happey Easter Eve
Good Morning!! Just got up and shortly will ge going to 2 family get togethers. This is McKenzie's last minute T-Shirt and ear rings.I love these little bunnies. I got the yesterday at hobby lobby. They were on sale in the easter section and they came with 3 other colors I think. I bought 2 packs because because I thought they would be great on a SB project. It's bright and sunny here today and I hope it warms up because it's going to be a long day. After we get home tonight we are dyeing eggs with Paw Paw. That is our yearly traditon. He and McKenzie have done this every year since she was about 22 months old. I hope every one has a good day and I will post some pictures later today.
Friday, March 21, 2008
New Blogger
So I am very new at this. I love seeing everyones blogs and what they are doing so I thought maybe it was time for me to start one. So today has been a little crafty. I made McKenzie a easter bunny T-Shirt and ear rings. It'still wet so when it is dry's I will take a picture and post it. Tomorrow we have 2 family easter get togethers so it will be a busy day and I will try and post some of those too. I think that is it for now.
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